About the Program

Welcome to the Adfactors PR Alumni Reconnect Program. This is an official platform to help our former employees engage with the firm, expand their knowledge and stay abreast with the newest developments in the Adfactors family.

With thousands of former associates working in various sectors across multiple cities and countries, we believe we can create a dynamic network through our alumni program.

Members can also use this platform to build, sustain and maintain longstanding professional relationships that were initiated while working at the firm.

Become a Member

"Adfactors PR is not a PR company, it’s a reduce-friction-in-society company."

That’s why, once you have been in Adfactors, Adfactors will be within you for life. So welcome to the Adfactors PR Alumni community. Where we welcome you to reconnect with the higher vision that all of us are committed to.

"Adfactors PR is not a PR company, it’s a gratitude company"

Adfactors PR is built upon the selfless enterprise and hard work of each one of our employees. This program is our way of expressing gratitude to you, our former employees, forever a part of the Adfactors PR family. Whatever you need from the organisation, old queries or new, this is the platform where you have access to all information.

"Adfactors PR is not a PR company, it’s a celebration"

A celebration of youth, responsibility, women power, ethics, nothing-is-impossible attitude. So is the Adfactors PR Alumni community. We want to celebrate your success outside Adfactors PR too. We want to be a part of your pilgrimage because it began with ours!

Sign up (Only for Ex-Adfactors PR Employees)

With 400+ members, this community aims at becoming one of the strongest PR networks in India. Adfactors PR is proud to be alma-matter for some of the most creative brains who have and are redefining the communications industry in this era of disruption and possibilities.

We invite you to register and be a part of this web of possibilities today.

Contact us at alumni@adfactorspr.com

  • How do I register for an alumni account?

    If you are an alumni member and it is your first time logging in, click on "Register here to become a member." on the home page. Please note that only Adfactors Alumni can register on this platform.