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Hardik Desai Vice President

Case Study

Driving leads for one of the world’s major manufacturers of construction equipment

A globally renowned construction equipment manufacturer offered a range of premium products, approximately 15% higher than competing models, to meet the diverse needs of the Indian industry. Despite its top-of-the-line features, the price difference was worrying – especially in the aftermath of Covid-19 that had severely affected businesses.

In close collaboration with Adfactors PR, the brand launched a light-hearted, witty yet impactful campaign to encourage sales. Unique insights into the demography helped the team to create relevant, snackable video content in local languages, including Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada.

The videos garnered over 1.2 million views and 125k engagements across channels, while the campaign generated a profusion of business leads.

To read more about our innovative campaign strategy, fill in the form and download the case study today.

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